Other Training Courses

For the purpose of safety assurance, the training course of Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) is geared for delivering knowledge and ground service procedures for VNH’s helicopters while operating at helipads and helidecks on offshore platform which are hiring VNH’s helicopter service. VNH Training shall provide on-site training for helicopters: Mi 17-1V/Mi-172, AS322L2, EC-155B1, EC-225LP, Cabri G2, AW-189, BELL-505


To register the training courses of VNH TRAINING, applicants shall meet the following requirements.

Trainees taking the training course shall be members/employees/staff of Petroleum and Gas companies which are using VNH’s helicopter services for their oil & gas exploration and exploitation operation in VN. For more details, please contact us directly.


03 hours.


English, Vietnamese.

Training program

The training course comprises the following main contents:

- Overview of positions and operations of related facilites

- Helicopter approach procedure

- Sign language and procedure of communication with flight crew(s)

- Customer service procedure

- Luggage and goods handling

- Refuelling procedure.
